A Bit About Us
The Matsqui Hall is owned and operated by the Matsqui Prairie Community Association, which is comprised of volunteers from the community.
The Association is a not for profit organization whose goals are to maintain the community hall for the use and pleasure of the community.
History of Matsqui Hall
In October of 1907 a committee was struck to look into purchasing the property for the Community Hall.
Between 1907 and 1915 the original hall was built. Rumor is that this hall was a Pole Barn type with a roof but no walls or flooring.
Nov. 26, 1907 the board of directors decided to collect money to add a lean-to on to the south end of the building to house a primary school and to be used later for a kitchen. The lean-to was to be 16 feet by 30 feet and was to be started immediately.
Dec. 6th, 1907 � East Matsqui declined West Matsqui�s invitation to amalgamate and build one hall. A committee was struck to create the by-laws of the Association.
June 19, 1931 � plans were made to tear down the old hall and rebuild. The Harmanacias Orchestra was willing to put on a series of open air dances with one third of the proceeds going to the orchestra and two thirds going to the hall. A second lot was purchased next to the existing lot.